Your Signature

While we elect legislators to set policy and priorities for our state, in fact, as citizens, YOU have the ultimate say. And right now, your signature on several petitions is pivotal to making sure you can indeed have that final say on bills passed in this year’s legislative session that

  • create tax loopholes for the wealthiest Arizonans that will cut billions of dollars in state revenue needed for schools, infrastructure, solutions for the water shortage crisis, and other essential state responsibilities AND

  • threaten your sacred right to vote

I’ve provided a brief description of each petition farther down in this email.

Please use the power of your pen to be one of the 150,000 signatures grassroots organizers need by mid-September to place six referendums on the 2022 ballot so that voters can decide.

Read on to find out where you can go to sign these -as well as petitions to Stop Dark Money.

While you’re at it, I would also appreciate your signature on my nominating petition to help me earn a place on the 2022 ballot to represent our district.

Rep Judy Schwiebert, LD20 – 602-926-3390 (office)

If You’ve Already Signed Petitions

I Invite You to Be Part of My Campaign

In this, my first year representing our community, I’ve gained a whole new appreciation for the importance of electing people who like me, want to make sure every Arizonan gets their chance to thrive.

Unfortunately, too many people at the Capitol prioritize only those who have already become financially successful, leaving the rest of us to deal with underfunded schools, a drastic teacher shortage, soaring healthcare costs, a lack of affordable housing, not enough good-paying jobs, crumbling infrastructure, a climate crisis and other urgent issues.

I’ve also gained a new appreciation for the fact that no one can do this job alone. It truly does take a village. I hope you will be part of our village of volunteers and contributors to ensure that I can continue to represent you and your priorities. Please sign up to donate or volunteer at my website

If You HAVEN’T Yet Signed Petitions

Here’s Where You Can Sign All the Petitions at Once

I’ll be at the following places in coming weeks where you can ask questions, sign and even pick up petitions to help gather signatures yourself!

  • THIS Saturday, July 31, from 9-10:30 am at a private home in Moon Valley. RSVP to for the exact address.

  • THIS Saturday, July 31, from 4-5:30 pm at a private home near 31st Ave & Thunderbird. RSVP to for the exact address.

  • NEXT Saturday, Aug 7 from 10 am-2 pm at a private home near 16th St and Greenway. RSVP to for the exact address.

  • Tuesday, Aug 10 from 6:30-7:30 pm at a private home in Moon Valley. RSVP to for the exact address.

  • Every Wednesday in Aug (4, 11, 18, 25) from 3:30-6 pm at Moon Valley Grill, 15414 N. 7th Street (NW corner of Coral Gables & 7th St).

  • Every Thursday in Aug (5, 12, 19, 26) from 3:30-6 pm at Daddy O’s Grill, 4163 W. Thunderbird (SE corner of 43rd Ave & T-bird).

For more dates and locations, check the
Invest in AZ Now Mobilize site here
and the AZ Deserves Better EveryAction site here.

Petitions Available for Your Signature

Grassroots groups need to gather 150,000 signatures on each of the following measures by mid-September in order to place them on the 2022 ballot so that voters can decide.

Invest in AZ NOW is collecting signatures to refer these bills to the ballot:

  • a “Flat Tax” that gives away billions in state revenue every year to millionaires (SB1828)

  • a Tax Cap that ensures the wealthy pay less than their fair share in income taxes to the General Fund (SB1827)

  • the attack on Prop 208 that will reduce voter-approved public school funding increases by 1/3 annually (SB1783)

Arizona Deserves Better is collecting signatures to refer these bills to the ballot:

  • the removal of voters who don’t vote regularly from the Permanent Early Voter List (SB1485)

  • the prohibition of state and county election departments from accepting grants to help provide make elections accessible to more voters (HB2569)

  • partisan attacks that include requirements for bar or QR codes which imperil ballot secrecy (SB1819)

STOP Dark Money is collecting signatures on a measure to stop secret, dark money from buying our elections.

Judy Schwiebert (me!) is collecting signatures on her nominating petitions to place her name as a candidate to represent our district in the State House again in 2022. You can sign in person – or online at There may be nominating petitions available for other candidates at the above events as well.

Your signature on any of these petitions does not commit your vote. It only indicates your support for putting these measures – or candidates on the 2022 ballot so voters can decide.




2021 Budget Recap: Fifth Legislature — First Regular Session