
Right now, the most important thing you can do for our community is to sign – and ask your friends to sign – six petitions to help pause disastrous budget bills the legislature passed in June. I’m working with grassroots groups Invest in AZ Now and AZ Deserves Better who racing to gather 150,000 signatures before the end of this month.

If we don’t get enough signatures, policies will immediately go into effect that PERMANENTLY cut BILLIONS each year from state revenue we depend on for schools, roads, bridges, addressing our water shortage crisis, and other essential state responsibilitiesOverride the will of voters who passed Prop 208 to fund education by creating huge tax loopholes for the wealthiest Arizonans threaten your sacred right to voteYour signature is pivotal to making sure that voters can have the final say on these policies in the next election.

If you’ve already signed the petitions, please urge your friends to do so as well. Look below for where you can sign this week.

Sign All Petitions Here!
Moon Valley Grill, 15414 N. 7th St
Wednesday, Sept 15,  3:30-6 pm

Invite your friends and stop Moon Valley Grill to sign all 6 petitions that can save our state in one place. As one of your representatives in the State House, I’ll be there to listen to you – and answer questions.

OR Sign All Petitions & Meet Your Elected Leaders Here
Shadow Rock UCC, 12861 N. 8th Ave
Sunday, Sept 19, 4:30-6:30

AND: Volunteer to Promote Sunday’s Signing Event!
Shadow Rock UCC, 12861 N. 8th Ave
Saturday, Sept 18, 9-10:30 am

Join us to leave flyers on some neighbors’ doors inviting them to our Sunday petition signing event at Shadow Rock from 4:30-6:30. Or, volunteer to text reminders to people on Sunday. Sign up by emailing us here.

Can’t make those events?

For more dates and locations, check the
Invest in AZ Now Mobilize site here
and the AZ Deserves Better EveryAction site here.

If You’ve Already Signed Petitions
I Invite You to Be Part of  My Campaign

In this, my first year representing our community, I’ve gained a whole new appreciation for the importance of electing people who like me, want to make sure every Arizonan gets their chance to thrive.

Unfortunately, too many people at the Capitol prioritize only those who have already become financially successful, leaving the rest of us to deal with underfunded schools, a drastic teacher shortage, soaring healthcare costs, a lack of affordable housing, not enough good-paying jobs, crumbling infrastructure, a climate crisis and other urgent issues.

I’ve also gained a new appreciation for the fact that no one can do this job alone. It truly does take a village. I hope you will be part of our village of volunteers and contributors to ensure that I can continue to represent you and your priorities. Please sign up to donate and/or volunteer.


What’s Happening?!


Your Signature