The Legislature Weekly and Request to Speak

Please stay informed and be involved. A great way to do that is to sign up for The Legislature Weekly and learn to use the Request to Speak (RTS)program. Now more than ever, we need you to use the power of your words to help heal our beloved state and country and move us forward.

Civic Engagement Beyond Voting (CEBV), a small group of women working to empower Arizona’s citizens to exercise their voices at the state level, will help you get setup with an RTS account, and send you The Legislature Weekly which will let you know what is happening at the legislature, what bills will be discussed the next week, and how you can make your voice heard on the issues important to you.

One of those ways is to use the Request to Speak (RTS) program from the comfort of your own couch by sending a message to legislators from your computer. Use this link to sign up.

Use this Zoom link to sign up for a virtual RTS training (every Thursday in January, 5:30-6:30 pm)

And you can find other trainings and information by “Following” and “Liking”their Facebook page here.


What’s Happening in Your State House


Moving Forward