Teaching Accurate History

One of the bills we heard this week in the House Education committee, HB 2112, threatens teachers with the loss of their teaching certificate – and school districts with a $5,000 fine if someone accuses them of teaching a history lesson that makes a child feel shame or guilt because of their race, ethnicity, or gender.

We can certainly agree that no one should be taught that one race, ethnic group, or gender is inherently morally or intellectually superior to another.

But sadly, the result of this bill will likely be to provide a bludgeon to mute any open honest discussion of American history and the injustice that’s been part of it, including the legacy of Dr. King that we just celebrated.

The reason we study history is so that we can learn from it. That means we talk about the successes and failures.

This bill feels like one more attack on teachers when we’re already facing a teacher shortage crisis. It’s no wonder. Teachers are fleeing the profession because of the legislature’s chronic underfunding, refusal to allow districts to help protect students and teachers from COVID, and attacks like this. They’re exhausted. And they’re done. Given the attitude of the current legislative majority, who will be left to teach our children?


One More Thing…


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