The AZ Border Bill That Makes us LESS Safe

May 12, 2024

Hi Friend,

Welcome to Last Week at the Legislature, my weekly report to you on what happened last week in your State House and how I'm representing our community.  A special welcome if you are new here! 

The State House did not meet on the floor this week, but in the State Senate, legislators discussed a newly created bill, HCR2060. It's too late for new legislation to be introduced, so sponsors have created it as a striker, which means taking out all the old language in a bill from earlier in the session and replacing it with completely different content.  It will likely be on the calendar for discussion on the State House floor this coming Wednesday, May 15. 

Continue reading to find out more about this controversial bill. 

It's an honor to serve you in the Arizona legislature.  Please feel free to contact me anytime. 


Representative Judy Schwiebert, LD2,, 602-935-0468

My mom and I wish everyone......


If passed out of both chambers, HCR 2060 would go around the governor to send a ballot referral to voters authorizing local law enforcement to arrest people who can't demonstrate their immigration status. Courts have already ruled this is unconstitutional since border enforcement is a federal and not a state issue. 

HCR 2060 is estimated to cost taxpayers $325 million per year in implementation costs, not including the millions in inevitable lawsuits over the constitutionality. To that point, the Arizona Sheriffs Association asked, "Where is the money going to come from?"  

That's an especially relevant question since Republican fiscal irresponsibility has left Arizona with a $1.8 Billion deficit this year. So we have no resources to fund this mandate, much less properly fund public education, care for our disabled and elderly, and other vital services.  

What HCR2060 would do is take away current resources law enforcement needs to stop crimes like burglary and theft. This and the fact that it is unconstitutional are exactly why the governor already vetoed a similar bill earlier this session.

In truth, the bottom line is this:  SB2060 will do nothing to secure the border nor make us safer.  Instead, this politically motivated, divisive legislation plays on people's fears of allowing people of color to be pulled over or detained simply because of their color or accent.

  • It will stoke fear in members of the immigrant community who are so integral to our workforce and economy. 

  • It will once again damage the reputation of our beautiful state as a place where racial profiling is enshrined in law.

  • It will cost businesses and Arizona millions in boycotts.  We have been down this road before with SB1070 ten years ago. We are better than this. 

Like the governor and others, I very much share frustration with Congress' refusal to even HEAR the bipartisan bill introduced months ago that would address border security.  But because their presidential candidate has told Republican leadership not to do anything to fix border security before the election, the US House will not even hear it.

It's infuriating that until news outlets revealed that fentanyl scanners were sitting idle in border warehouses there were not even federal funds to install them.  

We are much better off pressuring our US representatives like Rep David Schweikert and Rep Debbie Lesko to do their jobs to hear this immigration bill. as well as other legislation that would provide a path to citizenship for DACA recipients and their families who are tax-paying members of our community who contribute to our economy and well-being.

We deserve better. We should not be putting politics ahead of people.

Statements from AZ LEADERS
on HCR 2060

Greater Phoenix Leadership

The mission of this group of Arizona's top business and civic leaders is to improve the greater Phoenix area and the State of Arizona by bringing together talent, resources, and leadership to create action on priority issues.

Greater Phoenix Leadership (GPL) voices its opposition to HCR2060, an immigration measure that is an unworkable response to a federal problem with unknown consequences.

This measure places an unfunded mandate on local law enforcement to enforce border policy and... (read more)

Arizona Faith Network

Arizona Faith Network is a interfaith organization dedicated to bringing people together to promote peace and understanding through interfaith education and dialogue as well as healing of the world through collaborative social action. 

In the spirit of compassion and justice that guides our faith, the Arizona Faith Network, on behalf of the faith-based community partners throughout the state, opposes HCR 2060, the "Secure the Border Act."

This proposed legislation threatens the inherent dignity of every human being and stands in stark contrast to our call to love and serve our neighbors.

This resolution echoes the divisive and harmful rhetoric of past legislation, potentially leading to increased racial profiling.... (read more).
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry Arizona (LAMA)

LAMA joins with the most vulnerable of our society to vote our common needs in the public square, activating our faith in love.

LAMA firmly opposes this bill. By negatively impacting Arizona’s economy and work regulations, this policy will cause many of our neighbors, regardless of immigration status, to struggle to put food on the table and achieve economic stability... (read more).

AZ Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and Others

“Our state can ill afford the costly litigation that will ensue, should this measure pass, and we should not forget the specter of SB 1070, and the stain it left on our state's economy,” she said. “E-verify is already the law of the land. And Arizona has robust fraud and other criminal statutes that are currently applicable to the behaviors this referendum purports to address.” Read more. 

Well, I'm just going to repeat this article from last week. It's crucial to everyone in Arizona. The Finance Advisory Committee  a panel of state and private economists that advises lawmakers on the economy and budget, determined on April 11 that Arizona now will need $1.8 billion in cuts, down slightly from the $2.2 billion in January. 

Among the chief causes of this deficit are 

Republicans, once known as the party of fiscal responsibility have proven themselves to be absolutely irresponsible with our tax dollars in recent years.

Here are just some of the things I think are especially important to maintain in the state budget, though they have ALL been put at risk by this Republican irresponsibility:

  • K-12 Public Education funding that already ranks 49th in the US.

  • $5 Million for community college funding to increase the behavioral health workforce 

  • $100 Million to make-up for the loss of pandemic-era federal funding for already-too-expensive childcare that's vital to employers, families and our economy

  • $5 Million for the arts that are so vital to both our quality of life and economy

  • $5 Million for Home & Community services to help allow seniors to stay in their homes

  • $15 Million for care for those with Developmental Disabilities

  • $7.5 Million for Medicaid

  • $20 Million for Behavioral Health services

  • $22 Million to make-up for federal pandemic-era money that is expiring to help treat victims of crime 

  • $3 Million for services for blind seniors 

  • $3 Million for the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind to be able to get their students to and from school

  • Funding to provide meals to low income students at school

  • $6.7 million for the state juvenile justice program 

  • $2.5 Million to ensure we can continue a program to ensure healthcare providers know patients' end-of-life wishes

Representing LD2

At the Capitol for Corrections Professionals Day

Thank you so much to our unsung heroes, the men and women who work in Corrections.  Under Director Ryan Thornell, their commitment is that through education and support, to release people who are in a better place than when they entered the system. 

Black Mountain Community Alliance

It's a privilege to meet on the second Wednesday of each month with Phoenix police including Community Action Officers from the Black Mountain precinct, as well as with the Block Watch members and others from our community focused on keeping our neighborhoods safe.  I always appreciate the chance to provide folks with an update from their State House, while city council members Deb Stark and Ann O'Brien provide updates from the city. Thank you to President Candice Fremouw for her leadership. You can learn more about this group and sign up for their comprehensive newsletter bulletins here

1st Annual Worker Power Gala Awards

It was so inspiring to attend the Worker Power Institute's 1st Annual Democracy & Justice Gala Awards Thursday night at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown with Stephanie Simacek for AZ. We're proud to stand with the working families of Arizona pushing back against the multinational corporations that pay their workers poverty wages. Highlights included sitting with Unite Here Senior Field Director Jordan Greenslade; meeting Max Ulin from Unite Here 11 who was an Eagle Scout with my grandson Luke; learning that the Afghani refugees  I joined to speak out against the poverty wages they were being paid by trillion dollar private equity firm Blackstone, together with other Hyatt workers will be receiving a significant wage increase and profit-sharing package after a year of negotiations; and singing This Land is Your Land with rocker Tom Morello who was presented with the James Lawson Award.

AEA Delegate Assembly

What a fabulous way to finish off Teacher Appreciation Week on Friday night. It was such an honor to join fellow teacher-legislators, hundreds of Arizona teachers and very special guests NEA President Becky Pringle, AEA President Marisol Garcia,  and First Lady (and First Teacher!) Dr. Jill Biden at the AEA Delegate Assembly. Thank you to all the public school teachers who are truly heroes for our kids and community. And thank you to President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden for both being such champions for our teachers!

Moms Demand Action

Mothers' Day Weekend is such an appropriate time to spend with other moms and dads - demanding common-sense legislation to address the scrooge of gun violence.  On Saturday morning, I was proud to participate in a Mothers' Day Rally on the Carefree Highway and I-17 to ban assault weapons. 

Thank you to AZ Attorney General Kris Mayes

Stephanie Simacek and I were truly honored to have Attorney General Mayes join us to help update folks about what's happening in her office - as well as why we need to elect Stephanie and me to the State House and Senate,

Her election victory margin - just 280 votes - is a great reminder of how important EACH VOTER is to the future we want to create.  Because she won, we have someone fighting for our rights to make decisions about our own bodies; protecting our water from being swallowed up by foreign corporations; prosecuting fraudulent actors in the sober living home debacle under the previous governor; fighting for protections for our elderly and disabled neighbors in long term care facilities; going after the cartels to stop the fentanyl epidemic. 

Volunteer for Our Campaign!

I'm so honored to have so many teen volunteers joining our team. They're calling voters to let them know that Stephanie Simacek for State House and Judy Schwiebert for State Senate want to hear their priorities.  But we need volunteers of all ages!  Please join us!  YOu can sign up at the links below.   

We need YOU to help elect an Arizona legislature focused on the real issues we face like the teacher, affordable housing, and water shortage crises; keeping our families safe from gun violence; and reducing healthcare and other costs.

We can create an Arizona where everyone gets their chance to thrive. But ONLY with YOUR HELP! 

The 3 most important things to do right now are

  1. Join a Group Phone Bank at our office. 

  2. Join a Community Canvass. We're knocking on doors and getting petition signatures to qualify for the ballot as we listen to fellow voters who want a legislature committed to addressing our shared priorities. Use this link to find a day and time that works for you. We'll buddy you up with someone experienced. We need door knockers and drivers. 

  3. Donate to our campaign. We need everyone's help to pay for the staff, literature, and other advertising that are essential to winning this competitive race. 

Visit OUR NEW LD 2 Campaign office at 1524 W. Bell Road (in the Discount Tire parking lot, next to the Liberty Tax office). You can still sign school board candidates and access to abortion petitions there - or make phone calls or write postcards. Also, a notary is available at our office every Friday in April from 3-5 pm. 

Teacher Appreciation Week in PVUSD

This Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10, I was honored to complete my annual visits to the public schools in LD2 by visiting Paradise Valley and Deer Valley schools to offer my deep appreciation to some of the many outstanding teachers making a difference in the lives of our students and community every day.   Thank you to these fine educators, their principals, and superintendents for their vital work!  I'll start with Paradise Valley  (PVUSD) teachers, and then Deer Valley (DVUSD).

Palomino Primary Teacher Emily Domres

Thank you to Mrs.Domres' who in her first year teaching, has already brought so much heart and joy to her classroom. She has faced challenges with a positive attitude. She learns about her students and works to meet each of her students' needs. Principal Angela Morgan says Ms. Domres has been a great addition to Palomino and the first-grade team.

Echo Canyon Primary Teacher Lacey Goodherham

Thank you to Ms. Lacey, an amazing teacher who greets her students with a smile each day and works with each child to be their personal best. She continues to monitor her students as they progress through Echo Mountain Primary and is a tremendous support as they transition into kindergarten. The part that makes Ms. Lacey beyond amazing is that she not only supports the students in her classroom, she runs our Booster Club which supports all our students and our teachers. Principal Kristi Williams says Ms. Lacey is so positive with all staff and shares positive notes throughout the year to keep everyone's spirits high

Palomino Intermediate Teacher Rachel Serrano

Thank you to Mrs. Rachel Serrano who is always willing to help and support teachers whether in their first or final years of teaching. She is dedicated to the success of Palomino Intermediate students and staff, and Principal Jenny Robles says she has proven to be an exceptional part of a fantastic team of professionals.

Hidden Hills Teacher Desiree Strege

Thank you toMs. Desiree Strege, a Hidden Hills 1st grade teacher who embodies selflessness, love, creativity, collaboration, compassion, and a positive spirit! This is a teacher who treats her students as if they were her own children. She often provides them with snacks, cleans their clothes if needed, and even gives up her prep/lunch to support their needs. She implements a Universal Design for Learning classroom where every student works on something different, and works at their own pace with tiered support.Principal Jacqueline Woodssays Ms. Strege uses so many engaging activities to meet the needs of every child

Campo Bello Elementary Teacher Elona Khorsikyan

Thank you to Ms. K, an exceptional kindergarten teacher at Campo Bello Elementary who fosters meaningful relationships with her students. Her strong instructional abilities, genuine care, and empathy create a safe and supportive environment where children thrive academically and emotionally. Beyond the classroom, she actively participates in school and community events, strengthening ties between families, educators, and the wider community. Principal Alyssa Orchard says that Ms. K goes above and beyond to ensure her students feel valued and supported.

Vista Verde Middle School Teacher Sarah Armistead

Thank you to Mrs. Sarah Armistead deeply cares about her students, works hard to ensure culturally responsive and inclusive practices, and serves our campus both as a Site Leadership member as well as an Instructional Leader. She is an advocate for students and educators alike, and pours her heart and soul into each and every student who walks through her door. Principal Heidi Wrights says their campus is better because of her service and commitment.

Cactus View Elementary's Shaunna Gomez

Thank you to Ms. Shaunna Gomez who excels as a SPED K-3 Connections teacher due to her innate empathy and understanding of her students' unique needs. She fosters a supportive and inclusive classroom environment where every student feels valued and respected. She utilizes innovative teaching methods tailored to each student's learning style, ensuring that all students can reach their full potential. She collaborates closely with parents, fellow educators, and specialists to create personalized education plans that address individual challenges and goals. Principal Megan Cameron says Shaunna's passion for her work and unwavering dedication to her students make her a truly exceptional Connections teacher.

Sunset Canyon Elementary Teacher Susie Francis

Thank you to Ms. Susie Francis, a staple in the Sunset Canyon Elementary community. She opened the school in 1999 and has been a valuable asset here ever since! As a 1st-grade teacher as well as the STAT coordinator for our entire school, she continuously works to support our students in their learning journey and works closely with co-workers to assist them with interventions for their students. Principal Emma Ortizsays Ms. Francis is a leader, modeling for others and supporting other teachers on campus, too

Teacher Appreciation Week in DVUSD

Union Park Teacher Ms. Claudia Molina

Thank you to Ms. Claudia Molinawho has a passion for teaching Spanish and a dedication to nurturing the growth of each student. She fosters a deep appreciation for cultural understanding and sharing with the Union Park community. Her teaching style engages learners and has created an environment where everyone feels valued and encouraged to excel. Ms. Molina is known for her kindness, warmth, and unwavering support for her students. Principal Lauren Ghanoon says they are very lucky to have her as a TORO!

Norterra Canyon Teacher Jill Barron

Thank you to Ms. Jill Barron who has cultivated a learning environment where students eagerly participate in a Building Thinking classroom. Her passion for teaching shines through every lesson, fostering a love for learning, and empowering students to excel academically. The dynamic, interactive experiences she creates also instill invaluable skills in teamwork and critical thinking. Also, Mrs Barron is always there to support NC activities and clubs when we need her. This year she ran student council, coached NC Cross Country, and helped build sets for our school musical. Principal Theresa Milks says that Mrs. Barron is leaving an incredible mark on both her students and colleagues alike.

Goldwater High School Teacher Erika Torres

Thank you to Ms. Erika Torres, a passionate English Language Arts educator at Barry Goldwater who has high expectations for herself and for the students she serves. She actively involves her students in learning and teaches them to be reflective and aware of their growth and progress. Principal Dr Anita Stulc says Ms. Torres is an inspiration to her students and to colleagues!

Deer Valley Middle School Teacher Jennifer Preston

Thank you to Ms. Jennifer Preston, a dynamic educator who, within just a year, has become a driving force for positive change at Deer Valley Middle School. Known for her interactive teaching style, she fosters a learning environment that encourages curiosity and stimulates minds. Beyond the classroom, she's leading students on a trip to Washington, D.C., and actively working to improve our campus through various initiatives. Her forward-thinking approach is evident as she champions the use of project-based learning. With her passion and commitment to student success, Principal Ray Utter says Jennifer Preston epitomizes teaching excellence and inspires us all to aim higher.

Constitution Elementary Teacher Kelsey Teague

Thank you to Ms. Kelsey Teague who is an amazing teacher. Not only does she employ effective instructional methods, but she also fosters a sense of safety and encouragement that allows her students to thrive and take risks in their learning. Her involvement in activities like the PBIS team and leading the social committee demonstrates her commitment to the overall well-being and community spirit of the entire school. It's no wonder she's so beloved by her students and respected by her colleagues. Her impact extends far beyond the classroom, shaping the school culture and inspiring others around her. Principal Gina Millsaps says they are lucky to have Ms. Teague in their Eagle community! 

Esperanza Elementary Teacher Mary Krill

Thank you to Ms. Mary Krill, a dedicated kindergarten teacher at Esperanza Elementary, who truly educates the whole child. Taking young students under her wing, she helps them become independent learners. Ms. Krill uses a multi-sensory approach with her students to ensure all students are learning and thriving. Principal Kristen Robertson says Ms. Krill walks the walk of a truly dedicated master educator!

Mirage Elementary Teacher Terra Dwight

Thank you to Mrs. Terra Dwight, an outstanding 1st-grade teacher at Mirage Elementary who achieves remarkable growth scores while fostering strong self-belief in her students. She actively contributes to school improvement efforts, creating a fun, effective, and student-centered learning environment. Principal Bobbi Mrs. Dwight's dedication and innovation make her an invaluable asset to their community.

Here's another great  CEBV email filled with wisdom and inspiration about how by working together, we can take back our state (and nation!)  and make Arizona a place where everyone gets their chance to thrive.  I encourage you to subscribe to their clear, insightful newsletters. Here's one of my favorite graphics from this week's newsletter. 

Our Legislative District Will Determine the Direction of our State & Nation

We need YOU to help elect an Arizona legislature focused on the real issues we face like the teacher, affordable housing, and water shortage crises; keeping our families safe from gun violence; and reducing healthcare and other costs. Turning out voters for LD2 will help elect Democrats all the way up the ballot

Be a part of history by volunteering for our campaign today! 

  1. Join a Community Canvass. We're knocking on doors so we can listen to fellow voters about what's important to them. We want to elect listeners like Stephanie Simacek to the State House and me to the Senate who will truly represent our community  Use this link to find a day and time that works for you. We'll buddy you up with someone experienced. We need door knockers and drivers. 

  2. Donate! We need everyone's help to pay for the staff, literature, and other advertising that are essential to winning these very competitive races. 

Visit OUR NEW LD 2 Campaign office at 1524 W. Bell Road (behind the Discount Tire, next to the Liberty Tax office). Come help us make phone calls,  write postcards, and/or launch a canvass! 

Or, pick up a yard sign!

Host a House Party
Introduce Us to Your Neighbors

Be like Libby and Ed Goff who hosted a House Party to tell their neighbors about what's at stake in this election, and then encourage them to be like you and donate or volunteer.  Thank you so much to the Goffs for the wonderful party they hosted on Sunday, June 2!  Find out more about hosting a house party by emailing our finance manager Hayden Samples at 

Invite your neighbors to subscribe to this newsletter by sending them this link. 
Paid for by Judy for AZ. Authorized by Judy Schwiebert


How I Voted on Housing Bills This Week


1864 Abortion Ban Repeal & Arizona’s Budget Deficit