What I’m Hearing from You

June 28, 2024

Hi Friend,

It's truly an honor to represent you, my neighbors, in the Arizona State House, and while the 2024 Legislative Session ended on June 15, the work of listening to our community and representing you continues. 

As you may know, I'm now a candidate for the LD2 AZ State Senate,  and frankly, all eyes are on us here in North Phoenix.  As one of just a handful of swing districts across Arizona, our State Senate and House elections will likely determine whether we have a new majority that works for the everyday people of Arizona - or the same one-seat extremist Republican majority that has been prioritizing corporations and billionaires, while the middle class foots the bill - and people who should be leaders, instead stoke fear and division.  

I'm not having it.  Read on to learn how I'm spending my summer. 


Representative Judy Schwiebert, LD2
jschwiebert@azleg.gov, JudySchwiebert.com, 602-935-0468

What I'm Hearing From You

So as usual, I've been spending my summer knocking on Independent, Republican, and Democrats' doors so I can listen to everyone's priorities for our state. You're telling me stories about

  • how hard your sister works as a teacher and yet she even has to buy classroom supplies out of her own meager salary - or how your child had three different math teachers last year because educators kept finding better-paying jobs in other fields

  • how outraged you are that your daughters don't even have the same right to make decisions about their own bodies that we did 

  • how expensive everything's become - or how you don't see how you're ever going to be able to afford to move out of your parents' house

  • how you're worried about the increasing number of people experiencing homelessness on our streets. Where are the mental health or substance abuse services?

  • how you're concerned about crime and gun violence. You want our community to be safe.

  • how you're worried about why we aren't hearing more about conserving water and addressing climate change.  

I hear you - and I agree! That's why for the past four years I have been creating or supporting legislation that would help address every one of these vital concerns.

Instead, those bills go unheard by the extremist one-seat Republican majority because legislation designed to make us fear our schools, teachers, vulnerable people, and even government are their priority.  

Like you, I'm sick and tired of the name-calling, lies, and division. We need people who will listen and work together for all the people of Arizona.  We can disagree without being disagreeable.

Let's make Arizona kind again. 

I've spent all my adult life in what turns out to be our legislative district. Whether in my role as a high school teacher, soccer or Little League mom, church volunteer, co-founder of Theater Works, or leader of a nonpartisan voter activation group,  I've spent my life listening and working together to get things done.

My running mate, Stephanie SImacek,  candidate for the State House, is a mom, former 1st-grade teacher, current member of the Deer Valley Governing Board, and is married to a local small business owner. We're listening to you and ready to get to work to make sure every Arizonan gets their chance to thrive.

 If we haven't yet knocked on your door, we'd appreciate learning about your concerns and priorities for our state. Email us here

Hope for America

What a week! We are truly watching history in the making.  I'm so grateful that Former President Trump was spared from a gunman's bullet. Violence is not the way to solve our differences. 

I am deeply thankful to President Joe Biden for his extraordinary patriotism, compassion, and leadership.

He led us out of an historic pandemic, cutting child poverty in half, and halting evictions to reduce the misery of too many seniors and other vulnerable Americans. He cut the cost of insulin to $35 a month for seniors and ensured that Medicare could reduce costs for an increasing number of prescription drugs every year. 

His policies led to more small business creation in a two-year period than any previous administration. He brought desperately needed bipartisan investment in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. His CHIPS Act is not only bringing good-paying technology and manufacturing jobs here to Arizona but also ensuring that America will have the most advanced semiconductors to ensure our economic growth and maintain our national security.

Unemployment is now the lowest it’s been in decades, the stock market continues to soar, and inflation is lower in America than in any other major country. 

Perhaps his most patriotic and selfless act, though, was to put his country before his own ambition and withdraw as a candidate for the 2024 Presidential race when it was his time to do so. 

His support of Kamala Harris for President has provided a master class in how to gracefully pass the torch to the next generation.  

In contrast, Harris’ aging opponent wants to take America backward. Not only has Trump worked to end our most personal freedom to make our own reproductive healthcare decisions, but he and the right-wing Heritage Foundation are now proposing to abolish the federal Department of Education which I believe would lead to the dismantling of public schools, the very foundation of our nation's greatness.  He’s also promised to continue his tax break for billionaires and corporations while working families foot the bill. 

With a President Harris, the future is full of hope. Not only is she a champion for women's reproductive rights and public education, but she will also take America forward by focusing on the middle class.

Like us, she believes in an America where everyone gets their chance to thrive.  That means every child gets a great education, whatever school their parents choose;  our communities are safe; working families share in the prosperous economy they’re helping to build; healthcare, childcare, and housing are more affordable;  and seniors can retire with dignity.

Future President Harris says, “Ours is a fight for the future, and it is a fight for freedom…. Generations of Americans before us led the fight….  and now…the baton is in our hands.”  

I’m with her. Yes, we Kam. 

In fact, record numbers of Americans have already been inspired to join the fight for the future by donating and signing up to help.  The future is bright. 

That includes new volunteers for OUR OWN CAMPAIGN for the LD2 State Senate and House seats. The road to the White House runs through our Legislative District, the most competitive in Arizona. Let’s continue a strong ground game, listening to voters, and win from the bottom of the ballot all the way up to the top this November. Join us!  

Volunteer with us at https://www.mobilize.us/ld2democrats2024/event/644497/ or  https://www.mobilize.us/ld2democrats2024/

Get Ready for the General Election Nov 5

Be sure to visit BeBallotReady.Vote to verify your voter registration information for the crucial upcoming General Election on Tuesday, November 5.  

You will be prompted to log in to your Voter Dashboard by entering information you already know.  Once in, you can change your address, registration status, and political party, or join  (or un-join) the Active Early Voting List so that your ballot will be mailed to you (or not).

About 90% of AZ voters are now on the Active Early Voting List, including me. If you want to go to the polls on Election Day, just take your completed ballot to any polling location, skip the line., and drop it in the official secured container.

Get Notified When Your Ballot is Received

Do you receive text notifications like I do from Maricopa County Elections when your ballot is sent,  then received, and then counted?

If you don't already receive them, it's easy to sign up.  Just text JOIN to 628-683, or visit BallotStatus.Maricopa.Vote.

If you're not signed up to receive an early ballot for the general election you can still do so until October 25.  

LD2 North Phoenix

Community Builders

Nominate Your Favorite Local Business!
I'm so grateful to the many people and local businesses who make our community such a unique and thriving place.  That's why I'm excited to be partnering with the Bell Road Business Alliance and Stoke Interactive to recognize many of the local Community Builders in our neighborhood. (LD2 extends roughly between Thunderbird and the 303, 32nd Street to 43rd Avenue.). Nominate your favorite local business here https://ld2northphoenixcommunitybuilder.com/

Thank you Chino Bandido!

310 W. Bell Road

Chino Bandido has been one of my family's very favorite local restaurants since the mid-90s when we first started visiting their original 19th Ave and Greenway location. Founders/owners Eve (Lee) and Frank Collins started it as a kind of hole in the wall that kept expanding and expanding as more diners came, covering the walls with their kids’ photos, and returning over and again for Chino’s special mash-up of Chinese and Mexican food. It’s truly a cult favorite among foodies in the valley - that's made our North Phoenix community famous around the country. Our family favorite is the Emerald Chicken.

Food Network’s Guy Fieri helped spread the word by featuring it multiple times on his show Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives. These days, when my kids and grandkids come to visit, I know they’ll be visiting Chino Bandido’s new location just down the street --  and hope they’ll come to see me, too! 

My grandkids never miss a photo with the pand-ito in the corner, and I never miss out on a Snickerdoodle for dessert. Frank has passed away now, but Eve still owns the place, and her brother Eddie Lee manages it. Thank you so much, Frank, Eve, Eddie, and family for helping to make our North Phoenix Community the unique and delicious place it is. Chino Bandido We love you!

Join Our Campaign!

Thank you Mintra Waram and Carla Freeman

What a gift it is to be a part of such an inspiring team of people committed to helping create a better Arizona for all of us. 

This week, I'm proud to spotlight two amazing people.

First, Mintra Waram, an incoming junior at Basis Scottsdale is one of our 25 summer North Valley Democrat Interns. This competitive program is designed to help high school students and older a way to learn about the world of political activism.  One of Mintra's goals for entering the program was to make an impact in her local community, and she has certainly done that by canvassing, phone banking, and with her social media presence.  She's a rock star volunteer!

Secondly, my friend Carla Freeman has become an indispensable member of our team, helping us reach out to voters at their doors, by phone, and on social media.  She's a chiropractor, a local business leader in networking, a public speaker, and a communication expert. She's been my coordinator for our North Valley Community Builder program, and more often than not, is now my canvass buddy, too.

Thank you, Mintra and Carla for everything! 

Our Legislative District Will Determine the Direction of our State & Nation

We need YOU to help elect an Arizona legislature focused on the real issues we face like the teacher, affordable housing, and water shortage crises; keeping our families safe from gun violence; and reducing healthcare and other costs. Turning out voters for LD2 will help elect Democrats all the way up the ballot

Be a part of history by volunteering for our campaign today! 

  1. Join a Community Canvass. We're knocking on doors so we can listen to fellow voters about what's important to them. We want to elect listeners like Stephanie Simacek to the State House and me to the Senate who will truly represent our community  Use this link to find a day and time that works for you. We'll buddy you up with someone experienced. We need door knockers and drivers. 

  2. Donate! We need everyone's help to pay for the staff, literature, and other advertising that are essential to winning these very competitive races. 

Visit OUR NEW LD 2 Campaign office at 1524 W. Bell Road (behind the Discount Tire, next to the Liberty Tax office). Come help us make phone calls,  write postcards, and/or launch a canvass! 

Or, pick up a yard sign!

Host a House Party
Introduce Us to Your Neighbors

Be like Libby and Ed Goff who hosted a House Party to tell their neighbors about what's at stake in this election, and then encourage them to be like you and donate or volunteer.  Thank you so much to the Goffs for the wonderful party they hosted on Sunday, June 2!  Find out more about hosting a house party by emailing our finance manager Hayden Samples at hsamples@azdem.org. 

Invite your neighbors to subscribe to this newsletter by sending them this link. 
Paid for by Judy for AZ. Authorized by Judy Schwiebert


Make Housing Affordable Again


What Are Your Priorities?